Certified translation (FAQ)

Certified translation, sworn translation, official translation, translation with a round stamp… These are (some of) many names to call the same thing.

Are you here because you need to know how to get one?

You have questions? I have answers!



1. What is a certified translation?

A certified translation is a translation produced by a “sworn translator” who is registered at a Regional Court of Justice. Each certified translation consists of the following three parts:

  • the original document or its certified copy
  • the translation formatted to exactly match the original
  • a translation certificate stating that the translation is true and acurate, the translator’s credentials, and an official round stamp


All the parts are tied by a piece of twine so nobody can replace the documents. Then it is signed, sealed, delivered.


2. How can I order a certified translation?

1. Send me your documents. By e-mail (attach a scan or a legible photo of what needs translating) or in an envelope by snail mail.

2. I will get back to you with an estimate of the price and delivery time.

3. When you come to collect your translation, you bring your document or its certified copy. Then we bind it all together, stamp it and you’re good to go.


3. Why do I need a certified copy of my documents and where do I get it?

Your document will be inseparably joined with my translation. If you are fine with that, there is nothing to worry about.

If you need to keep the original document, make sure to bring a certified copy. You can have it done at these places:

  • Česká pošta (any post office with a CzechPoint)
  • Municipal Authority
  • Notary Public

Just simply ask for “ověřená kopie” in Czech and give them your documents. They will take care of the rest.


4. How much does a certified translation cost?

The price of a sworn translation depends on the type of document you want to have translated, on its wordcount and on the delivery deadline. There is no single price policy. Do you want a price estimate? Just send me a scan of your documents by e-mail and I will get back to you.


5. Do we have to meet in person?

We don’t. Translated documents can be sent by snail mail, too. Just keep in mind it takes time.


6. Can I receive my certified translation by e-mail?

Unfortunately the current regulations don’t allow it. Hard copies only.


7. Can you stamp and certify a translation done by somebody else?

No, that is not possible. In fact it is illegal.


8. What qualifications do you have?

The conditions for becoming a sworn translator are laid out by act no. 354/2019 Sb. – a Master’s degree in translation or interpreting, one year program at the Faculty of Law and at least five years of experience are a must. Apart from all of that I took all legal translation related courses that are available in Czechia. I am not saying that to impress you. I’m saying that so you know you’re in good hands.


Are you looking for something you didn’t find here?

Do you need a certified translation?

Mgr. Libor Nenutil
tlumočení a překlady
Sokolovská 1165/266, 190 00 Praha 9

IČ: 88525830, DIČ: CZ9005075706

Podnikatel zapsán v živnostenském rejstříku Úřadu městské části Praha 9, č. j.: S MCP09/013792/2021
Zásady zpracování osobních údajů

Nenutil s.r.o.
IČ: 07629605, DIČ: CZ07629605 Společnost s ručením omezeným zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku Krajského soudu v Ostravě pod spisovou značkou C 76566