Let’s discover them together.

In English, Czech and French. 

InterpretingCertified translations


To understand and to be understood.

  • Conference interpreting
  • Simultaneous interpretation equipment
  • Event consulting


Never worked with an interpreter before? Let's talk and see what fits your needs.

Technical equipment

Headsets, wires, booths and mics. And a technician to take care of all the techy stuff.

Team of seasoned interpreters

Excellent interpreting, reliability, confidentiality. All that in several languages.

Interpreting from A to Z

Spare yourself the troubles. Put your meeting in the hands of a professional.


Official translations with a round stamp
between English, Czech and French

  • Vital records – birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate etc.
  • Study documents – school report, university diploma etc.
  • Extracts from registers – criminal records, entries in the commercial register etc.
  • Legal translation – agreement, contract, power of attorney etc.

E-mail the documents

Ideally scanned. A legible photo from your phone is fine, too.

Price and time estimate

I will tell you when it will be done and how much it will be.

Certified copy

Need to keep the original? Stop by a post office or a notary.

Completion and handover

We meet, wrap it all up and you get your translation. That's it.

Let's do it!Tell me more

What I do

I help people to voice their message.

In English, Czech and French. Both in speaking and in writing.

Foreign languages, experience in marketing and communication
and continuous development. The result is impeccable services.

My clients value quality and a personal approach.

This is why they come to me.


They trust me

Blog in Czech


+420 775 985 074

No answer? I am probably interpreting.
You can text me. I will get back to you. 


Or drop me a line at

Mgr. Libor Nenutil
tlumočení a překlady
Sokolovská 1165/266, 190 00 Praha 9

IČ: 88525830, DIČ: CZ9005075706

Podnikatel zapsán v živnostenském rejstříku Úřadu městské části Praha 9, č. j.: S MCP09/013792/2021
Zásady zpracování osobních údajů

Nenutil s.r.o.
IČ: 07629605, DIČ: CZ07629605 Společnost s ručením omezeným zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku Krajského soudu v Ostravě pod spisovou značkou C 76566